Living Life and Random Thoughts 10/1/2013

Living Life and Random Thoughts 10/1/2013
Reminder to visit Pinterest. I now have over 11,700 photos on my pinterest and 9,400 followers. Visit there to see all the glorious images. I doubt you'll be disappointed.*If you wait until you have enough money to decorate and make your home your own it will never happen. If you wait to buy everything new you are missing the point. It is the old, the new, the made, the hand-me-down, the collected, the worn (but loved) things in your home that make it your own. Quote from Alexandra Stoddard. My sentiments exactly. It's how I decorate, but live my life also.* One of my favorite kitchens. I don't...

Car Paint Designs Ideas

Car Paint Designs Ideas
What Are The Best And Worst Aspects Of Modified Cars?When it comes to modifying cars, there's some pretty decent examples of how to do it right. Sadly though, there comes a time when it doesn't look so great, but not that this would put off any prospective car modifier. In homage then to the some of the best and worst modified cars, here at Cars4Sale we have established a list of some of the things we love and hate when it comes to suped up machines. We see and sell on a variety of different cars, some modified monsters and some beauties – we'll always find a home for them, but we've so many we...

Small Kitchen Ideas

Small Kitchen Ideas
10 Dealing Tips For Small Kitchen DesignKitchen hasn't lot of space and you want to manage large things. It's hard to arrange lot of things in small kitchen. If you have idea about how to use the right design ideas in creating a more space, you can arrange lot of things within little space.If you have a small kitchen and you are going to design. You will face the problem of designing, how you can fit and where. There are many different designed cabinets and surface patterns that can help you. You can design your small kitchen with a sense of space.To design efficient kitchen, you have to work...

Some Thoughts Today 9/26/2013

Some Thoughts Today 9/26/2013
I realize I've not been posting a lot lately but a lot of things are requiring my mostly undivided attention. Blogging served a very high priority in my life a while back, not so much now. But I'm not giving it up so keep watching for new posts.Now, Pinterest is holding my attention and I love posting there. It's fast, easy and I don't tell stories about my daily life. ;-) Anyway, for those interested in viewing the 11,600+ photos on my pinterest and the 9,300+ followers who deem the images worthy enough, you might like to view them also. There are only the gorgeous images I've collected from...

Swedish Apartment Modern Interiors Renovation

Swedish Apartment Modern Interiors Renovation
Apartments Swedish Apartment Modern Lighting Interiors Renovation ...Apartments Swedish Apartment Modern Lighting Interiors RenovationApartments Swedish Apartment Modern Livingroom2 Interiors ...Apartments Swedish Apartment Modern Livingroom2 InteriorsSwedish Apartment Renovated With Modern InteriorsSwedish Apartment Renovated With Modern InteriorsSwedish Apartment Renovated With Modern InteriorsSwedish Apartment Renovated With Modern Interi...

Aqua Living Modern House Experience

Aqua Living Modern House Experience
Aqua Living Modern House Experience by David Mutal Architect » DecodirAqua Living Modern House Experience by David Mutal Architect » DecodirAqua Living Modern House Experience by David Mutal Architect » DecodirAqua Living Modern House Experience by David Mutal Architect » DecodirModern White, Green & Aqua Wedding - Every Last DetailModern White, Green & Aqua Wedding - Every Last DetailModern White, Green & Aqua Wedding - Every Last DetailModern White, Green & Aqua Wedding - Every Last Det...

Amazing Modern Mexican Home

Amazing Modern Mexican Home
Amazing Modern Mexican Home by Agraz Arquitectos » DecodirAmazing Modern Mexican Home by Agraz Arquitectos » Decodiramazing Mexican modern house wooden with cube shape and amazing facadeamazing Mexican modern house wooden with cube shape and amazing facadeMexican Modern Architecture | Modern House DesignsMexican Modern Architecture | Modern House DesignsContemporary Home in Mexico Displaying Interesting Architecture ...Contemporary Home in Mexico Displaying Interesting Architect...
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